The Importance of Gaining Capital for Small Businesses

 In Small Businesses & Startups

Ask any small businessowners and they’ll likely agree that one of the most important issues facing an SMB is lack of capital. For businesses looking to take the next step, whether that means hiring new employees, upgrading office space or another financial investment, it is vital to ensure that there is adequate capital available.

Smart financial planning can aid businesses in amassing sufficient funds to take carefully calculated risks to propel them on to further success.

Businesses used to working with customers and suppliers online often find that cloud-based chartered accountants can save them valuable time and effort while providing up-to-date information on their finances and level of capital.

3 Wise Bears can offer customers dedicated financial support, including real-time forecasting and advice, available at all times and specially tailored to their business.

Here are just some aspects of business growth which often require capital to achieve.


Gaining Increased Business Exposure

For small businesses a lack of capital often makes it difficult to gain the same level of exposure as larger companies in the same industry.

Advertising and marketing strategies can make a huge difference to the popularity of a business but usually require significant and ongoing expenditure.


Developing New Innovations

It is important for any company to remain aware of new developments and innovations in its area of expertise.

Large businesses are able to set aside funds for research and development that wouldn’t be practical for smaller businesses. This, however, does not mean that an SME cannot use its more independent status to experiment on a smaller scale with new products and practices.

3 Wise Bears is able to provide SMEs and freelance contractors with access to accounting software such as Xero in order to assemble all financial transactions in one easily-accessible location.


Seeking Out Business Opportunities

In the modern marketplace businesses are increasingly expected to be proactive in seeking out those needing their custom.

While small and medium sized enterprises are often able to take advantage of local custom, finding opportunities in the wider business world, especially online, often requires a significant amount of wisely invested capital.

Larger companies are able to spend money researching their demographic, while it can be harder for an SME to recognise the average customer.


Facilitating Business Growth

Many SMBs struggle with making large steps in business growth. For those businesses still partly or entirely self-funded making the transition to being an independently functioning and profitable company is often hugely expensive.

The discovery, hiring and training of new staff can be a fairly lengthy and expensive progress which relies on finding employees that will be able to return on the investment.

For many companies moving out of small offices to larger premises also represents a huge investment in time and money, not to mention the continued expansion of the business.


Maintaining Competitive Pricing

Small businesses often find themselves being slowly pushed out of the market by the ability of larger companies to offer lower prices for the same services.

Without a solid financial base companies can become bankrupted by being forced to sell products at a price that does not correlate to the expenses of producing them.


Coping With Success

It may not sound like an issue but sometimes a SME can struggle with its own popularity. A large number of customers can put a huge strain both on employees and the infrastructure of the business.

Without capital to use towards a larger premises, more employees or an upgraded computer system it can be almost impossible for a small companies to cope adequately with an ongoing influx of business.

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