Why ‘Everyone Needs An Accountant’

 In Small Businesses & Startups

In a recent article about Aston Villa’s new scheme with South and City College it was stated that “Everyone needs accountants, there will be a demand for 700,000 accountants over the next ten years, it is one of those industries where there will always be work.”

Technology has made it easier for independent contractors, freelancers and small businesses to check and make sense of their accounts without accountants. However, there is a lot of truth to the statement above.

So, why do most people need accountants?

It’s always better to have an expert at hand

It’s a simple fact that somebody dedicated to a certain role will be better at it, whether they are outsourced or in-house. A good accountant will be able to help inform a small business of the right moves to make when it comes to finance, tax and liability.

Accountants have an in-depth knowledge of these fields and it can take a huge weight, and a lot of reading, from the manager of a business by hiring an accountant. It takes years to develop the kind of knowledge a good accountant will hold and thus it is simply the most efficient and valuable option for most small businesses to take.

The best accountants will specialise in certain fields, making their knowledge even more specific and accurate. At 3 Wise Bears we specialise in accountancy for limited companies, sole traders and have curated a professional knowledge of tax for business.

Modern accountants can take on more active roles

Thanks to modern cloud technologies accountants can play a more active role in managing their client accounts. This allows for the accountant to send real-time information to clients and use in depth knowledge to advise clients on a matter of accounting issues. This precludes the necessity of time-consuming and complex meetings about facts and figures. By using programs like Xero accountants can take on the role of manager and adviser, streamlining the process for optimum productivity.

At 3 Wise Bears we embrace modern technology so that we can bring reliable and up to date information to our clients. The demand for accountants will always be high and that’s why we aim to be accountants with a difference. By staying on top of technological advancements we can make ourselves invaluable to small businesses, freelancers and contractors. We hope that the future accountants, like those whose training Aston Villa are helping to fund, will be able to benefit from steps taken towards embracing technology in the field of accountancy.


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